
外国籍、または海外在住のお客様へ(For customers who are foreign nationals or reside overseas)

外国籍の方で、「Takeru Satoh Official Fanclub」のご入会(入会用シリアルコードのご購入)を希望される場合は、大変お手数ではございますが下記フォームよりファンクラブ登録情報をご回答ください。



※日本国内にご住所をお持ちでない方は、以下「Takeru Satoh Official Fanclub事務局」の住所を登録させて頂きます。
※日本国籍の方で、日本国内に住所をお持ちでない方は、以下「Takeru Satoh Official Fanclub事務局」の住所をご登録の上、ご自身で新規ご入会をお願いいたします。
東京都港区白金台三丁目2番10号白金台ビル6F (株)ファンテック内


〜English Description〜

If you are a foreign national and wish to join the “Takeru Satoh Official Fanclub” (purchase a serial code for membership registration), we kindly ask you to fill out the fanclub registration form below.

After you submit the required information, a login ID will be issued to the email address you provide, along with guidance on how to complete your registration.

Required Information

Name (*Required)
Name (in furigana)
Phone number (*Required)
Postal code (*For domestic addresses only)
Address (*For domestic addresses only)
Date of birth (*Required)
Email address (*Required)
Gender (*Required)
Important Notes Please make sure to read:

Membership benefits and other mailed items are only sent to members who have registered a domestic address in Japan. We regret that we cannot ship benefits to overseas addresses, so please take this into consideration before joining.
If you do not have a domestic address in Japan, we will register the following address for the “Takeru Satoh Official Fanclub Office” on your behalf:

Postal code 108-0071
Shirokanedai Building 6F, 3-2-10 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo

The e-mail address you enter will be your login ID for the Fan Club. Please make sure to enter the address at which you wish to register for the fan club.
*Please set up your e-mail settings so that you can receive e-mails from the “@colavoshop.jp” domain.
*If you do not receive an e-mail within 2 weeks after registering on the form, please contact us using the inquiry form.
*You cannot register a new e-mail address if you are already registered with hubsynch.Please login and register yourself.
*Please note that we will not be able to register any incomplete responses.

<Registration form before admission>